ON THE RAZZLE @ The Babcock Theatre – University of Utah
By Tom Stoppard
(Reviews Below Slideshow)

“Tom Stoppard’s ”On the Razzle,” provides a welcome dose of silliness to combat the post-holiday winter doldrums. The large cast has great fun with this lively material, and Michael Unger’s stylish and inventive direction gives them lots to work with. ”On the Razzle” is simply out to entertain, and it succeeds admirably.” – The Salt Lake Tribune
“Babcock Theatre’s ‘Razzle’ is a farce that dazzles. Early in the play one of the characters announces, “One false move and we could have a farce on our hands.” And the audience laughs, because they have already realized that “On The Razzle” is a farce in the truest sense of the word.” – Deseret Morning News